Wanna Play a Game? It’s A One With An Ending.

play chess

I was on the bus my way home, dozing off three or four times and checking if I hadn’t missed my stop (this actually happened to two other people at the beginning of the school year, and after that I was intent on keeping my eyes open – which I was quite unsuccessful at today). In the midst of my mental blurriness, I overheard an intriguing conversation between two middle schoolers sitting on the same row as me (man, they always intrigue me with some interesting topics, like once they talked about the Simpsons, their satires, and how the FOX owned it*). And it was the ultimate topic that we all discuss once in our lifetime – superpowers. Yes, superpowers indeed. The girl sitting next to me wanted to mind control, manipulate time, and fly (she got tired of walking, she said). The girl across wanted to do telekinesis (I was searching if there was a verb form of the word, and came up with an entry titled, “Learn Telekinesis Training”). By the time I was getting off the bus I picked up the name, “Edward Cullen” from them. Then I started thinking about Edward Cullen and how he was immortal (unless the Volturi killed him). Blah, blah, blah, and in the end I was confronted with the question, “Would I want to be immortal?” And the answer was a definite NO because 1. I would have to watch my entire family die and 2. if I live forever, where would be the ta-da-da in the end with the Disney song playing on the background? How will I ever have or know the ending of my life? At that point, it occurred to be that life – there must be an end to this game. And I was determined to win that game.

* I’m not being sarcastic here – the Simpsons stuff really was interesting (you can call me nerd if you would like)

~ by clairey13 on April 5, 2010.

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